Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Interpreting a Poem "Please Don't Take My Air Jordans"

           My interpretation for this poem is that the author is telling us about social issues like peer pressure.  So the narrator is peer pressured by his crew because he has old gear.  The guy doesn't seem to care about someone's life because he shot someone just for shoes.  This poem kind of describe some people like the narrator.  We are living in a dangerous world that are full of people that would do anything to get what they want.  There are some people in the world that are under the influence and has social problems.  Some are lead to do bad stuff like killing people. The way someone is determined by how they were brought up and who they hang out with.  One theme that seems important is acceptance because the narrator was not accepted so he killed someone to get accepted.  Sometimes not getting accepted could lead people to do bad stuff.  Also poverty has a part because his parents might not be rich because they couldn't buy the
stuff for him.  So he had to do bad stuff to get what he wanted.  His parents are probably middle class.  The narrator was under the influenced and peer pressured. 

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