Monday, November 22, 2010

Research Assignment Topic 2 # Civil Rights

           The rights that every citizen in the United States being taken away from them.  Some people think they are superior because of their race.  While others are treated with servile attention just because they are different.  School officials are starting to get jumpy that a student will do something bad because of their skin color.  In some states gays and lesbians aren't allowed in the military.
            The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rule a very hard rule on gays and lesbians.  In order for them to be in the military they have to keep their secrets secret.  Now there are arguments that are deciding the fate of the policy.  For now gays are accepted openly in the military.  A federal judge in California refused to postpone the policy.  He says, that the government failed to prove the policy would disrupt the system of the military.
Many lawyers said that the policy would cause harm to the country.  Also the ending of the policy would actually improve combat.  It denied the rights of citizens to be in the army just because they are gay.  Just because they are different doesn't mean that they shouldn't be denied the right to be in the army which would be a good thing.  They will be serving the community.  Roughly 13,500 gays and lesbians have been discharged under the policy.
             There are many officials that are going overboard with the suspicion because of their skin color.  The kids that go through this are having their rights getting mistreated.  Many people complained to the Department of Education's office of Civil Rights.  There were about 7,000 complaints.  The Department of Education is starting to develop stuff that would help kids who have trouble learning and those who get in trouble a lot.  In some states they are deciding for kids with disabilities would have a shortened school day according to the transportation schedule.
             To check these interesting articles go to :

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